Takafumi IWASAKI
Dragon Ball Super (Original Soundtrack) Vol. 2
[English Below]
Son Goku est de retour pour lutter face à une nouvelle menace qui s’abat sur la Terre.
Synopsis : Goku part s'entrainer chez Maitre Kaio, qui lui apprend qu'un puissant ennemi s'est réveillé d'un sommeil de 39 ans: Beerus, Dieu de la Destruction. Ce dernier cherche un guerrier qui lui est apparu dans un rêve, le Super Saiyen Divin, à qui il désire se mesurer
Le vinyle comprend les nombreuses BGM des arcs Trunks du futur et Survie de l’Univers. Elles varient entre le sombre et l’épique dans un genre très orchestral avec le légendaire Norihito Sumitomo à la composition (DBZ : Battle of gods, le film mais aussi pour du jeux vidéo comme Gran Turismo). Quelques BGM ont été réalisés par Kazuya Yoshii et Takafumi Iwasaki, ce dernier ayant participé sur des projets musicaux de spin-off de Digimon et Konosuba.
*BGM: Background Music
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Son Goku is back to face a new threat that is descending upon Earth.
Synopsis: Goku goes to train with Master Kaio, who informs him that a powerful enemy has awakened from a 39-year slumber: Beerus, God of Destruction. Beerus is searching for a warrior who appeared to him in a dream, the Super Saiyan God, whom he wishes to challenge.
The vinyl includes numerous BGM from the Future Trunks and Universe Survival arcs. They range from dark to epic in a very orchestral style with the legendary Norihito Sumitomo composing (DBZ: Battle of Gods, the film, as well as video games like Gran Turismo). Some BGMs were created by Kazuya Yoshii and Takafumi Iwasaki, the latter having worked on musical projects for spin-offs of Digimon and Konosuba.
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A2. Soul of a Warrior
A3. Project Zero Humans
A4. Trunks and Mai
A5. A Mother's Love
A6. Desperate Battle With Goku Black
A7. A Mystery's Mysterious Solution
A8. Hand-To-Hand Battle
A9. Zamasu's Overwhelming Power
A10. Humiliating Defeat
A11. Birth of Fusion Zamasu
A12. Painful Battle
A13. Trunks the Savior
A14. The Humans’ Song of Praise
B1. Vow of Peace
B2. Zen-Oh's Anger
B3. Triumphant Return
B4. Cho-Zets☆Dynamic! (Defeat Version)
B5. Cho-Zets☆Dynamic! (Sad Version)
B6. An Eerie Enemy
B7. Limit Break×Survivor (Instrumental・A Type)
B8. Jiren's Theme
B9. Prelude to Battle
B10. Peril of Universe 7
B11. Unknown Domain
B12. Breaking Limits
B13. Hitting a Wall
C1. Limit Break×Survivor (Instrumental・B Type)
C2. The Price to Pay
C3. Boys' Adventure
C4. Distant Journey
C5. Camouflage Battle
C6. Sinister Plot
C7. Desperate Attempt
C8. Magnificent Warriors
C9. Finishing Strike
C10. Dear Friend
C11. Tactics
C12. Zen-Oh's Theme
C13. Forceful Battle
D1. Split-Second Battle
D2. Clash With a Powerful Enemy
D3. Tag Team Match of Dreams
D4. A Terrifying Enemy
D5. Closely Matched Powers
D6. Do-or-Die Secret Plan
D7. A Futile Battle
D8. The Last Desperate Battle
D9. Our Hero, Son Goku