Amour sur le disque
Amour sur le disque

Bandit Voyage

Amour sur le disque

Sale price15,00 €

Tax included.

In stock
Release 12inch SKU: ENTRE80V
  • October 22, 2021
  • New
  • Black

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We ship worldwide, however some products may have territorial restrictions. Please do not hesitate to contact us in order to find out how to obtain the products that are not available for purchase in your territory.

What forms of payment do you accept?

Stripe, PayPal, Visa, MasterCard.

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A confirmation email will be sent to you once your payment has been confirmed. If you have not received it, look at your spam folder; If necessary, send us a message at

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How long will it take to send my order?

If your order is placed before 1 PM (time in Paris, France), your order will be processed and sent the same day. If it is placed after 1 PM (time in Paris, France), your order will be sent the next working day.

Can I place an order now for despatch at a later date?

We do not currently offer this solution. All orders are processed as quickly as possible.

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We use the HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) protocol. This Internet communication protocol protects the integrity and confidentiality of your data when transferring information between your computer and the website.

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Standard shipments do not guarantee delivery on a specific date, the displayed time is therefore approximate. However, the express shipments are guaranteed, and the delivery time is indicated when choosing the means of transport from your cart.

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Is there a discount if the amount of my order is important?

There are no discounts or coupons in place at this time. If you are a professional and wish to order at the reseller price, contact us at

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On-site withdrawal is not possible yet.

Can I change the delivery address of my order?

Our general conditions as well as those of the banking establishments attached to our platform, Stripe and PayPal, stipulate that when placing an order, the delivery address must be identical to the postal address registered in the Stripe or PayPal account used for the payment. Thus, any change of address must be subject to an order cancellation, then a new order with the two identical addresses.

Why ? : In case of a dispute, Stripe, like PayPal, will close any claim against us due to the mismatch of the delivery addresses.

What happens when I combine in my cart both a product available in stock and a pre-order product?

In this case, you pay two separate shipping costs. The product in stock is shipped directly and the pre-ordered product on the date indicated on the product info sheet.

When sending my order, will my package be sufficiently protected?

We use high-quality packaging adapted to each product to maximize the chances of a delivery in the best conditions.

Is my invoice attached with the shipment?

No, your invoices are available and downloadable from your client space.

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Orders made from outside the European Union are not subject to the French VAT of 20%.

I am ordering as a company with an Intracommunity VAT number. Can I order without paying the VAT?

If you are a professional or a company with an Intracommunity VAT number, please contact us at

Can I add products to an already validated order?

It is not possible to add products for an order whose payment is already confirmed. If this is an oversight in your order, please contact us at

What happens if my payment by credit card is not validated?

In this case, the first thing to do is to contact your bank. It is possible and frequent for banks to block payments made on-line to other continents (e.g., An order placed from the United States to a French platform)

A simple explanation of your intentions to purchase products from our site will allow your bank to unblock this payment.

What happens if an order has been misplaced by the transportation service?

All our packages are tracked. If the status of the shipment does not confirm the receipt of your order, we will apply a period of one month to open an inquiry to the transportation service and evaluate the loss of your order. If the loss is proven, we will refund your entire order.

For all orders placed outside the European Union, this probation period is 2 months.

What happens if my order is damaged during shipping?

In this case, we ask you to email us with photos of the package and the damaged merchandise. These photos should make it possible to identify your details on the packaging. Then we will replace the damaged product(s).

What happens if the contents of my delivery do not match my order?

In this case, we will replace your order as soon as possible and provide you with a return receipt for the goods delivered in error.

I no longer want an order. Can I return it?

Once your order has been validated, you have a 14-day withdrawal period. During this time you can return your products to us and transportation will be at your expense; The full refund of your products will be done after inspection of these.

You will be responsible for the mode of transport chosen to carry out this return, and you commit to using suitable packaging, allowing the return of your products in the best conditions. This is required in order to guarantee you the refund.

Autant dire les choses clairement : d’amour il sera beaucoup question sur ce disque. Amours passés ou à venir, amours rêvés, amour du risque, amours déçus aussi. Car on le sait depuis les Rita Mitsuko, les histoires d’amour finissent mal (en général). Ce n’est d’ailleurs pas l’unique point commun entre Bandit Voyage et le duo 80’s. Même folie créative, même richesse des arrangements, même verve gouailleuse et poétique, même passion décomplexée pour les mélanges musicaux. On y entend aussi bien du oud que de la guitare flangée, du saxophone ou de l’autotune.
« On veut toucher à tout et jouer de tout : variété, pop, rock, punk, mélo... On laisse aux autres le soin de nous définir » raconte le groupe en souriant, « Bandit Voyage c’est l’art de ne pas savoir, mais de faire ou de trop savoir et de faire quand même ». Car le duo aime partir dans tous les sens. À l’image de la discothèque de Robin, grand collectionneur d’instruments et de boîtes à rythme vintage et heureux propriétaire de plus de trois mille vinyles.
Côté métissage, Anissa, guitariste et parolière du groupe, n’est pas en reste. Née dans les années nonante à Genève d’une mère algérienne, et cadette d’une fratrie de trois sœurs - dont la chanteuse Flèche Love - elle a très tôt su jouer de ses différences. Elle n’hésite d’ailleurs pas à interroger son héritage sur Ma mère, pivot du disque et tour de force à la fois dansant et politique. « Ma mère m’a toujours dit que je ne m’appelais ni Véronique ni Camille » scande-t-elle, mi-amusée mi-revancharde sur une rythmique disco. Et c’est tout au long des cinq titres qui composent la première partie de leur diptyque, qu’Anissa, troubadour de l’absurde et de l’étrange, des sentiments en vrac et des vies mal foutues, nous conte des histoires contemporaines, à la manière d’un griot, pleines de bruits et de furie, de douceur (dure) et d’amour vache. Sa voix si particulière, qui tour à tour caresse et agresse, enchaîne paroles elliptiques et onomatopées, mais débouchant toujours sur des refrains irrésistibles.
Quand elle rencontre Robin, musicien touche-à-tout de génie, pilier de la scène indie locale et co-fondateur du label Cheptel Records c’est une évidence, ils doivent faire de la musique ensemble. Bandit Voyage est né. À la faveur d’un premier disque auto-produit et d’un live intense, ils s’imposent vite en Suisse et ils sont de tous les festivals. Ils ne font rien comme les autres et leur musique, libre et poétique surprend. Dans la grande tradition du duo masculin/féminin, ils trouveront vite une place bien à eux : soit le chaînon manquant entre Stone & Charden et les Moldy Peaches, la rencontre improbable de Fontaine & Areski et Niagara. Mais leur folk barrée est trop riche et ambitieuse pour regarder en arrière et faire de la figuration.
En compilant cinquante ans de musique alternative passée ou à venir, Bandit Voyage projette la chanson française dans le futur, aussi incertain qu’excitant. À l’inverse de la fourmi grincheuse et avare, Bandit Voyage se font plus cigale que jamais sur ce disque généreux et foutraque qui sonne comme une invitation à sortir, chanter, se toucher et s’aimer. Et nous rappellent que disque rime avec risque. Après avoir confiné toute l’année, eh bien dansons maintenant.

Bandit Voyage
